How to choose the right exfoliant for your skin?

In the world of skincare, there is a lot of talk about exfoliation. Exfoliation is the process of removing dead skin cells from your skin’s surface. Removing these dead cells prevents acne, improves skin tone and texture, promotes new cell growth, and makes you look fresher and younger. And who doesn’t want smoother, healthier skin!

With the abundance of exfoliating masks available today, it can be a bit overwhelming to pick the right one! The first step to finding the right match for your skin, is to know what are the different types of exfoliants.

Essentially there are two different types of exfoliants: physical (scrubs, peels, or masks) and chemical (serums and oils). Both exfoliate your skin through different methods.

Physical Exfoliant

The term ‘physical exfoliation’ refers to the act of physically removing dead skin cells from your skin. Some examples of physical exfoliators you may have heard of include scrubs, sponges, brushes, and even micro-dermabrasion.

There are a few popular ingredients when it comes to face scrubs like Jojoba Beads and sugar and salt granules which are gentle and environmentally friendly. The bamboo powder obtained from bamboo stems is very popular for its gentle and non-abrasive application. Coffee granules are popular among body scrubs as they help reduce cellulite and regenerate new skin cells by unclogging pores and stimulating blood flow. Safflower seeds, sweet almonds are among others.

Chemical Exfoliant

Chemical exfoliants are chemical agents that remove dead skin cells to give you healthy, radiant, and younger-looking skin. The two main kinds of chemical exfoliants are AHAs and BHAs.

Also read: Chemical VS Physical Exfoliation: Difference & Which is Better

Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs)

New to the skincare and beauty scene, Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) may be a new step in taking care of your skin. AHAs are water-soluble acids derived primarily from sugary fruits, meaning they exfoliate your skin by loosening the ‘glue’ that holds together the outer layers of your skin.

Glycolic Acid is the most popular AHA. It is most effective to decongest your pores, thanks to its small molecules. Lactic Acid derived from milk is milder than glycolic and perfect for dry skin. Or you can opt for fruit-based Citric and Malic Acids exfoliants if you are looking for brighter glowing skin.

Beta Hydroxy Acids (BHAs)

BHAs are oil-soluble so they’re able to penetrate deeper and exfoliate from within the pores on your skin. These are mostly contained in anti-acne products. Salicylic acid is a well-known BHA due to its positive performance in acne treatment. If you are looking for something to rejuvenate and stimulate your skin from deep within, try The Pink Foundry’s salicylic acid-based Overnight Exfoliating Radiance Mask. This overnight mask will do wonders for your skin while you sleep.

The big question is: how to choose the right exfoliant for your skin?

Your skin is the best judge of which exfoliant is perfect for your skin!

  • If you have dry skin opt for beauty skin products that are mild. Avoid using physical scrubs as they may cause microtears. You may look for milder options like salicylic acid peels or glycolic acid to remove dead cells for healthier-looking skin.
  • Oily skin can definitely reap the benefits of manual/ physical exfoliators like motorised brushes or scrubs with exfoliating particles. The extra layer of built-up can be managed better with a slightly stronger treatment.
  • For acne-prone beauties, chemical exfoliators are your best bet! Physical exfoliators might cause acne outbreaks. The beauties with extra sensitive skin should avoid exfoliators altogether.

Also read: How To Exfoliate Face Skin For Smoother And Brighter Skin

Strength of your exfoliator!

The strength of the exfoliator is an important factor before deciding the right beauty skin product for your skin. For example, BHAs are gentle enough for all skin types and regular use, however, the percentage of active ingredients must be considered. Especially if you have sensitive skin, a chemical exfoliator with a low percentage of acid might work, however, we recommend consulting your dermatologist before you experiment.

How to apply acne spot corrector and what are its benefits?

Always wished for a dash of magic when that stubborn pimple appeared out of nowhere? Well, fret no more because all wishes and prayers for the one magical skincare product have been answered in the form of the amazing overnight acne spot corrector by The Pink Foundry- one of the new cosmetic brands in India. (we’re a skin care/cosmeceutical brand, can we not call ourselves cosmetics?) The Overnight Acne Spot Corrector is a super fast spot treatment that clears the skin perfectly by working on the acne, shrinking them and clearing the existing breakouts of blackheads and whiteheads. The unique formula of this anti-acne product targets the stubborn acne, drying it and suppresses further breakout while you enjoy your beauty sleep. Suitable for all skin types it works without irritating the surrounding skin.

Wondering how to use this anti-acne product?

It is very simple and easy but before we delve into its application, let's take a look at the wonderful ingredients of the product and how it is beneficial to attain that clarified skin you desire.

Ingredients of the Overnight Acne Corrector

  1. Sulphur has fantastic healing properties that work super efficiently on the skin to remove the bacteria that causes acne, removing dead skin cells and excess oils to clear out the impurities from the clogged pores.
  2. Salicylic Acid is a dermatologist's favourite ingredient and they swear by the efficacy of it. The Beta Hydroxy Acid (BHA) works on the dead skin cells, dissolving them and preventing pore clogging and future breakouts.
  1. Zinc Oxide and Calamine with its soothing properties calm the inflamed skin and prevent the formation of excess sebum in the skin.
  2. Glycerin is known to help in strengthening the skin by acting as a moisture barrier for the skin. Glycerin locks the moisture inside the skin at the particular spot of acne breakout, thereby restricting the skin's urge to produce excess sebum naturally.

Also read: 11 Benefits Of Using Glycerin In Your Skincare

Here is a quick guide on how to use the acne spot corrector:

  1. Dip a clean cotton swab into the liquid and gently dab it on the active acne, blackhead or whitehead..
  2. Let it dry naturally. After drying, some powdered product residue may fall out from the face, which is normal. Avoid the urge to touch with your fingers to check.
  3. Rinse off in the morning.
  4. Dip, dot, repeat on acne and leave it overnight - it is as simple as that.

Also read: Acne Self-Care: How to Handle Acne-Prone Skin with Care

Few things to note:

  1. Ensure the bottle isn’t shaken before use and the two layers are distinctly separate before use. In case the bottle is shaken, keep it on a flat surface for a few hours before the layers are separated.
  2. Once dipped, the cotton swab can be applied on 2-3 acne (or blackheads or whiteheads). Discard the used swab and use a new one for each dip or you may contaminate the product.
  3. You may experience a slight tingling sensation after applying the product which is completely normal.

Check this reel on Instagram on our page for a quick learning.

Do not forget to dip, dot, repeat!

What is the Best Skincare Regimen for Acne-Prone Skin?

“No chips, no fried samosas, no junk food! Follow a healthy diet, include lots of green, drink lots of water and exercise regularly. No stress and no late nights.”

Are these the regular diktats you’re asked to follow to keep acne at bay? Do your mom/friends keep nagging you for not following the rules? Well, the above said things are totally true and do help in keeping acne troubles afar. However, it is essential that before following a better lifestyle, one should find out about their skin type and the reason behind regular acne breakouts to prevent them. In addition to that follow a beauty skincare regimen with good products for skincare that help control, heal and keep acne at bay!

A good skincare for acne prone skin includes beauty skin products that help in cleansing sweat and dirt from deep within the pores and controlling the excess sebum. This blog will guide you to include the best beauty and skincare products in your daily routine to ensure breakouts are a thing of the past.

Be gentle on your skin and cleanse it well with the best hydration cleanser. Choose a hydrating foaming facial cleanser based on your skin needs. Ensure the cleanser is sulphate free and removes impurities without strippinng the natural oils from the skin. The Pink Foundry’s hydration foaming facial wash is packed with the most potent ingredients and gives the skin the right stimulation and boost.

Also read: AM PM Skincare Routine for Clear & Fresh Skin

Use a hydrating toner to remove leftover makeup and clean the residue of oil ultimately toning, soothing and hydrating your skin. The Pink Foundry’s hydrating toner calms, relaxes and nourishes your skin up to 60% in just half an hour! With a blend of effective antioxidants, the toner effectively revitalizes, plumps and softens your skin by filling skin cells with nourishing hydration.

Apply moisturiser daily to give your skin the much needed hydration. Those with oily skin need to be more careful as anti-acne products tend to leave the skin dry and thirsty for moisturization. There are numerous oil free moisturisers available in the market that get absorbed into your skin without aggravating acne. Try the Oil Free Matte Moisturiser by The Pink Foundry which is suitable for all skin types, especially acne-prone and combination skin.

Acne prone skin is more susceptible to sun damage so protecting the skin is more important than ever. Wear sunscreen with at least SPF of 30 and choose a moisturiser sunscreen that is non greasy and fragrance-free. The Pink Foundry’s Mineral Matte Sunscreen not only protects the skin from the sun but also doubles up as a moisturiser.

Be kind to your skin and use gentle products which are the best in the market. However, the most important step is consistency in following a skin care regimen and also using the same products for a long period of time.


How to Prevent Breakouts?

Breakouts are a nightmare for everyone alike. From hormones to stress or even your diet can cause breakouts. It can be very frustrating to not be able to control it fully but there are a few dos and don’ts when it comes to preventing them by changing a few habits and purchasing the right anti acne products for your skin. Here are some of the strict no-nos to prevent acne breakouts.

#1 Trying every new acne prevention trend!

All said and done, patience is the key and time is the true healer! No matter which acne treatment you try, give it time to work. It takes a minimum of 6 to 8 weeks to see any improvement. And it can take up to 3 to 4 months for your skin to completely heal.

#2 Concentrating only on your blemishes

Sure, you are treating what is visible to the naked eyes but this approach will not help you prevent new break-outs! Instead, apply a layer of acne medication evenly all over your acne-prone skin. For example, if you tend to break out on your chin and forehead, make sure you apply a thin layer of the treatment on your entire face to avoid breakouts on other areas of your face.

Also Read: Face Blemishes: Types, Causes, And Treatment Options

#3 Ignoring the product labels

Whether it is the attractive packaging or the brilliant marketing, we can get tempted to pick makeup or skincare products off the shelf without paying attention to the list of ingredients. Many of these products, however brilliant they may be, can cause breakouts if you are an acne-prone beauty. So, make sure you read the labels before you purchase any anti acne products. Look for ‘non-comedogenic’ or ‘anti-acne’ as mentioned on the product.

#4 Sharing is caring, except when it’s not!

Acne is not contagious, but sharing makeup can be disastrous especially if you have sensitive skin. The acne-causing bacteria, dead skin cells sebum from other people’s skin can end up in your makeup if you share makeup brushes or other applicators. It’s a great practice to not share makeup and regularly clean your applicators and makeup brushes to avoid breakouts.

#5 Skipping bedtime routine

This is a cardinal skincare sin. We understand that sometimes you are too tired to go through with the entire routine, on those nights make sure you at least remove the makeup before you hit the bed. Just make sure to use a non-comedogenic hydrating cleanser.

Simple and essential dos to prevent a breakout!

1. It’s important to remove dirt and sweat to maintain healthy skin. But don’t overdo it. Excess washing can strip our skin of its natural sebum. Use lukewarm water to rinse your face at least twice a day.

2. Yes, even if you have acne, moisturizing your skin regularly is important. It keeps the skin hydrated preventing breakouts due to excess sebum production to counterbalance dry skin.

3. Stay calm and give your skin the time to heal. Picking and popping your pimples or acne is just going to prolong the process. And you are at risk of getting permanent scars.

4. You would be surprised how often we touch our faces. Studies have shown it can range from 16 to 23 times an hour! Touching your face can cause flare-ups so please keep your hands off your face.

Be gentle, the more love you show the better it glows!

Why Moisturising Your Skin is Important?

Is it really necessary to moisturise the skin daily?

If you google frequently asked questions about skincare routines or daily moisturising then you would stumble upon the following query multiple times - ‘Do I really need to moisturise my skin every day?’.

Before we give a yes or no, here is a question - do you like soft, well-hydrated glowing skin? If the answer is ‘Yes’ then the short answer to the previous question is ‘Yes’ as well.

You must moisturise your skin daily!

No matter your skin type, moisturiser should be part of your daily skincare routine. Here are 4 reasons why you should moisturise daily.

#1 Keeps your skin hydrated

Yes, the skin has its own NMF (natural moisturising factor) under ideal conditions of the environment along with nutritional and hormonal balance. But we don’t live in an ideal condition, especially in the city. In this stressful environment and pollution your skin’s ability to retain its moisture decreases as you age.

Irrespective of the weather conditions outdoor and indoor, moisturisers keep your skin hydrated for longer hours and prevent it from drying out.

Moisturisers are a tall drink of water for your skin. So, drink up!

Also Read: What Is Skin Hydration & How to Hydrate Skin

#2 Slows down skin ageing!

Who doesn't want to stay forever young but skin ageing is normal and happens to everyone. As we grow older skin loses its elasticity due to a slowdown in collagen production. There are many external factors such as pollution, sun exposure, and internal factors such as diet and lifestyle habits responsible for this slowdown. Lack of collagen causes the skin to become thinner and drier which makes the wrinkles prominent.

Without a doubt daily moisturiser with blue light protection is an awesome addition to your skincare routine, it helps to lock in moisture, plump up your skin and reduce wrinkles. It provides a barrier for the skin preventing water loss through the epidermis providing lasting hydration to the skin leaving it soft, smooth, and supple.

Your skin has the potential to retain its youthfulness just needs a little bit of support. Give your skin a little daily love with our youth-preserving firming moisturiser.

#3 A must post-shower ritual!

This one is our favourite and highly recommended! There is nothing more refreshing than a hot shower early in the morning or after a long hard day. But it does strip your skin of its natural moisture. A little dab of The Pink Foundry moisturiser just after the shower is sure to seal your skin with moisture and leave it soft, smooth, and supple.

#4 Blue light protection

When you step outside sunscreens are your best bet for protection from harmful UV rays. But what about indoor protection? With WFH as the new normal, there is a huge spike in the number of hours we spend in front of the screen, whether the laptop or mobile. Research suggests the blue light emitted from our screens is equally harmful to our skin. It causes skin cells to shrink and makes the skill look dull. Try our indoor defense Oil-Free Matte Moisturiser with blue light protection to strengthen and shield your skin from the harmful effects of digital blue light.

How to moisturise every day?

Now that you know why moisturiser is needed, it’s time to make it a habit. Breaking bad habits is hard but adopting good ones can also get a bit overwhelming at times.

All you need is consistency and a set routine. We suggest doing it at the same time every day such as post-shower, after cleansing as it keeps your skin from drying out. During the day apply moisturiser before you reach out for your sunscreen or pick a moisturiser with SPF. At night, make it the last step of your skincare routine to help your skin recover.