Ageing skin: Signs, treatment, prevention

As we take more trips around the sun, we gather more years and experience, some of which start showing on our faces. Ageing skin is a natural part of our growth. However, in many cases, our skin can start showing years before we reach them. This is called premature ageing and can often result from other underlying issues.

If you've noticed those lines and folds on your skin, this article has covered you with a deep dive into all you need to know about ageing and how to care for your skin.

What is ageing skin?

Ageing is our body's natural way of adjusting to the shifts in internal and external conditions. These internal conditions, also known as endogenous factors, include our genes, hormones, and cellular metabolism. The external factors or exogenous factors, on the other hand, include the environment that we are exposed to.

As our skin ages, it loses elastic tissues and collagen, which appear as wrinkles on our dermis. Did you know that we lose up to 1% of this per year? This is the natural progression of our skin and cannot be stopped. However, when this process is sped up, leading to a greater loss of our skin's ability to regenerate its dermis layer, it may be premature ageing skin or extrinsic ageing.

What are the signs of ageing on face?

Have you been noticing changes in the speed of your skin's healing or its textures? If so, these are all signs of ageing on face that everyone experiences over time. In case of premature ageing, however, this is what it can look like:

1. Hyperpigmentation

2. Dryness

3. Loss of skin fat

4. Skin transparency

How to stop ageing skin

If you're wondering how to stop ageing skin, it is necessary to know that ageing is not a process that can be externally halted. However, there are certainly ways in which you can delay it or prevent it from occurring prematurely. Here are some options for treatment:

1. SPF is your soulmate

The sun's UV rays are some of the potent agents of premature ageing. When the skin is exposed to the sun, it loses the bond between the epidermis and the dermis, which causes it to sag. Sunscreen is one of the simplest but most effective tools to prevent UV irradiation and damage to our skin's elastic tissue.

We recommend The Pink Foundry's Hybrid Sunscreen, which contains the twin forces of mineral and chemical filters that prevent sun damage.

Also Read: What Is SPF in Sunscreen?

2. Rule of thumb: Gentle Cleansing

Harsh tugging on the skin can be damaging to its elasticity. The art of gentle cleansing goes a long way in preserving your skin barrier and collagen. So make it a rule of thumb and be gentle on your skin!

Also Read: How Frequently Should One Cleanse Their Face and What Is the Proper Method for Doing So?

3. Moisturiser to the rescue

What should we do when our skin loses its oil? We put it back! Daily moisturising is crucial for making up for the lack of sebum production on ageing skin. Try the sensory-friendly lightweight moisturisers like the Waterlight Gel Moisturiser 72 Hour Hydration that commits 72 hours with or hydration to your skin, making it feel supple and healthy!

4. Exfoliation station

Using exfoliating face masks gently removes the layer of old and dead skin accumulation on the dermis. Alpha and beta hydroxy acids are the exfoliating ingredients you should look for. The Overnight Exfoliating AHA BHA Radiance Mask uses fruit extracts in its AHA and BHA formulation that effectively exfoliates the dermis to unearth youthful skin!

5. Healing the damage

Targeted treatment is always your best bet on how to stop skin ageing! Try using niacinamides, a vitamin B that helps heal the skin from environmental stress. The best part? The Super Clarifying 12% Niacinamide Face Serum for All Skin Types is one of the best in the game!

How to prevent premature ageing skin?

When treating the signs of ageing skin, adopting habits that boost the overall health of your skin along with targeted treatment is key. These can be getting regular health checkups, diet improvement, or even more hours of sleep. Here are some quick reminders:

1. Never skip the SPF

2. Try cutting down on caffeine and alcohol

3. Incorporate exercises and massages to improve blood flow

4. Moisturise as your skin needs

5. Never sleep with makeup on!


Ageing is a gift in many ways that helps us be grateful for our time and experience in the world. At the same time, when premature, it can be a sign of changes in your life that may not be the best for you. Instead of feeling dejected, it's best to consider it an opportunity to boost your health and well-being as a whole!


  • When should you apply niacinamide serums?

Niacinamide serums are best applied right after cleansing your face before you apply moisturiser

  • What level of SPF should you get?

You should put on at least SPF 30 every day. This blocks about 97% of UV-irradiation. An SPF 50 is always ideal.

  • What helps with hyperpigmented skin?

Using gentle exfoliators and regular moisturising can improve the overall health of your skin.

  • What foods help with premature ageing?

Incorporating food with antioxidants like citrus fruits can immensely help heal your skin.

  • How frequently should you exfoliate?

Ideally, you should not exfoliate more than twice or thrice a week. Always follow up with proper hydration to replenish your skin's moisture.

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