Beauty sleep is real: 8 benefits of sleep for skin

We generally do a lot to make sure that our skin looks great in the morning. So much so that most of our mornings in the washroom look like a counter full of skincare products and the latest shopping bonanza lying around.

But what if we tell you that one of the greatest secrets to gorgeous skin is simply going to bed on time and taking a quality nap? After all, our body never stops working, especially when lying down, taking a nap, and dreaming of having the 'best skin day.'

We know getting beauty sleep might sound like a cliche. However, there is some truth behind it. Beauty sleep is very real, and it refers to how our skin and body begin to heal from the day. It is not news that skin and sleep go hand in hand. In this blog, we will tell you the many benefits of sleep for the skin.

What is beauty sleep?

Beauty sleep is very real. Your skin utilises sleep hours to heal itself from the day's damage. Whenever you drift off, the skin gets an opportunity to improve. It is why you wake up looking rosy and fresh. More sleep generally means clearer skin. Lack of sleep might lead to a lot of stress, which may lead to pimples and blackheads, even in adults.

In one study, the experts found that college students have more breakouts when they are stressed out. One of the biggest examples of this was during their examination.

Is beauty sleep an actual thing?

Yes, beauty sleep is very real. When you sleep, your body enters recovery mode, and each stage of sleep is vital to the skin's recovery. During different stages of sleep, the body secretes multiple hormones, including the human growth hormone, cortisol, and melatonin. These hormones play a crucial role in recovery, including repairing the skin from daily damage, keeping the skin healthy and youthful, and safeguarding your skin from free radicals that can damage the cells.

The relation between your skin and sleep

By the look of your face when you wake up in the morning, you can easily tell if you had a good night's sleep or not. While there is no best time to sleep for skin repair, getting the much-needed sleep consistently can lead you to better skin. Poor sleep can cause:

  1. Swollen eyes
  2. Paler skin
  3. More droopy corners on the mouth
  4. Hanging eyelids
  5. Darker under-eye circles
  6. More fine lines and wrinkles

How does poor sleep affect your skin?

Lack of sleep indeed has become a global problem. While the impact of sleep deprivation on weight, immune deficiency, and mental health is well-known, the effect of lack of sleep on skin and beauty is less acknowledged.

Have you ever woken up from a bad night's sleep and noticed that your skin might be looking pale or blotchy? Our skin generally uses sleep to heal itself; when we don't get enough of it, we will get the effects. Following are some of the ways a bad night's sleep can affect your appearance:

  • Ageing

Many studies looked at the impact of sleep quality on skin ageing. It was discovered that poor sleep quality accelerated intrinsic ageing. It includes fine lines, reduced elasticity for the skin, and uneven pigmentation. Insufficient sleep may also hinder the ability to recover from sun exposure. It is something that results in more wrinkles.

Having a good sleep and using the Overnight Exfoliating AHA BHA Radiance Mask can help you restore the ability to recover from sun exposure and let you wake up to a brighter and radiant face.

  • Self-esteem

Studies show that people with insufficient sleep consistently have lower self-esteem due to their physical appearance than those with sufficient sleep.

  • Attractiveness

One study found that people with good sleep looked more vibrant and healthy in the photographs than those who were sleep-deprived.

Benefits of sleep for skin

Sleeping for adequate hours has numerous benefits for the skin. Here, we have discussed some of the benefits of sleep for skin:

  • Fewer wrinkles

The underlying issue might be poor sleep if the seven-step skincare is not working out. When you sleep, your body produces more collagen, which can repair ageing and lead to fewer wrinkles.

  • Easier weight loss

Sleep is an important element for your metabolism and body weight. Poor sleep is something that can inhibit fat loss and make it difficult to lose weight.

  • Fewer breakouts

From stress pimples to hormonal acne, it might be difficult to feel comfortable in your own skin. Poor sleep can lead to bad hormonal balance, which can lead to more breakouts. Getting a beauty sleep will reduce these breakouts to a large extent.

Also read: Acne face map: What your breakouts are trying to tell you

  • Confidence

Beauty sleep is something that can lead you to wake up to vibrant and bright skin. It is something that can instil great confidence in you throughout the day.

  • De-puffed eyes

We all know the dreadfulness of dark circles. It is especially crushing during close-up pictures with your friends when you are going out. Along with many benefits, good sleep can reduce dark circles as well.

  • Healthy skin

While the Clearing and Calming Acne Face Wash is something that can give you a headstart to clean and clearer skin, it works best when you take care of yourself and get adequate rest.

  • Better mood

In addition to all these benefits, when you consistently take the time to have a good night's sleep, it will lead to a better mood.

  • Regulation of excess oil

Using the Clearing and Calming Acne Face Wash has other benefits, too. The consistent use of it, along with proper sleep, can lead to the regulation of excess oil production and clearer skin.

Wrapping Up

While we put our heads down and spend hours on our skincare routine, we often fail to notice the obvious, which is resting. Whether it is a physical workout in the gym or skincare, our body needs time to recover. And without proper recovery, you can never reach greater results.


  • What is beauty sleep?

Beauty sleep is very real. Your skin utilises sleep hours to heal itself from the day's damage. Whenever you drift off, the skin gets an opportunity to improve. It is why you wake up looking rosy and fresh.

  • Can bad sleep cause wrinkles?

An insufficient amount of sleep may also hinder the ability to recover from sun exposure. It is something that results in more wrinkles.

  • Why is recovery a must in skincare?

When it comes to skincare, our body needs time to recover. And without proper recovery, you can never get the best results.

  • Is there a best time to sleep for good skin?

While there is no best time to sleep for skin repair, getting the much-needed sleep consistently can lead you to better skin.

  • Is sleep important for radiant skin?

Along with skincare, beauty sleep is just as important for bright and radiant skin.

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